BarZero LTP

Long-Term Provisionals

Gain the best value in an interim prosthesis with this barless provisional
BarZero LTP Hero

"I like BarZero LTP for two reasons. First, it works as a prototype for the final prosthesis. The clinician can check the accurate fit of the prosthesis and the patient can evaluate the aesthetics and function for a sufficient amount of time. Second, the LTP can work as a backup prosthesis when something unexpected happens to the final prosthesis."

Dr. Heeje Lee, DDS, MPH


A durable, milled monolithic PMMA barless restoration, the BarZero LTP is an ideal interim prosthesis to temporize the patient during osseointegration or for longer-term provisionalization. Its design offers improved strength over traditional options, reducing repair incidents for greater patient satisfaction.


  • Long-term, screw-retained, fixed-hybrid provisional
  • Arrives complete and ready to install
  • Monolithic design for improved strength and fewer repairs
  • Improved aesthetics


Before BarZero LTP Installation
After BarZero LTP Installation

Courtesy of Dr. Jon A. Ruel, DMD